Questions-réponses de l’entrevue en anglais -
mercredi , 15 janvier 2025
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Questions-réponses de l’entrevue en anglais


De montsi

Salut les amis du forum
(Anidsa, Ensaimada et Oumisraa)

Vous trouverez des questions en anglais avec des réponses comme je vous ai promis




1)-How is your english? / what’s about your english?
I don’t speak english fluently, but i can inderstand if you speak slowly, my prononciation is
bad and I make some gramatical mistakes…

2)- why do you want to immigrate?
I want to immigrate because I want the change and the success in my professional and
Personal life in a developed country like Quebec…

3)- Why QUEBEC?
Because Quebec is french-speaking country and that will facilate my integration. Quebec is
a big city and there is not problem to find a job, also the quebecers are cordial and simple….

I chose Montreal because I have a (sister or brother or friend…) who lives there and (she/he) will help me at the begining of my installation, also Montreal is a city which has a better quality of life, it has a developed economy and the labor market is very diversified…

5)- Where did you study english?
I studied english in the fondamental school, in the college and university but like a secondry
foreign language…

6)- What’s about your work?
Là chacun répond selon son travail (le lieu du travail, la durée, le poste occupé ….)

7)- Do you have brothers and sisters ?
Yes I have.

8)- How many brothers and sisters have you ?
Exemple: Well, I have three sisters and two brothers

9)- What are they doing ?
Vous parlez du travail de chacun de vos frères et sœurs.

10)- Where did you spend your holidays last year?
Exemple : Last year, I spent my holidays in Annaba in eastern Algeria.

11)- Do you think you will find a job in your field and did you look for that by the net?
Yes, I think so, and I found many companies that recuit in my field and I have printed some of there. Even if I can’t find a job in my field, it will not problem for me, I have to accept an other job.

12)- What did you do last week?
Last week, I prepared cakes, I visited my aunts and I made shopping with my friend…and internet .

13)- What did you do yesterday?
(Pour ceux et celles qui passent leur entretien à Tunis)
Yesterday, I woke up at 8h00, I took a shower,then I took my breakfast, after I visited the city of Tunis, the markets… and I bought some memories for my family and my friends.

14)- Tell me about your country?
My country is Algeria, it’s big and a beautiful coutry, it has a population of more than thirty three (33) millions inhabitants, the official language is arabic and our president is

15)- Why are you unhappy in your country?
I’m not realy unhappy, but I always try the best to improve my situation. In Algeria it’s difficult to realize my dreams…

16)- Tell me about you?
My name is…. (donnez votre nom), I’m algerian, I’m 30 years old, I live in…. (donnez votre ville), I’m…..(donnez votre profession), I love life and nature…

17)- What you know on Montreal?
Montreal is an important city of Canada, it was founded in 1642 by Maisonneuve, It has a population of more than 3 millions inhabitants, the official language is french. It is a major
center of trade, the industry and culture..

18)- What you know on Canada?
Canada is a federation of 10 provinces, discovered in 1534 by Jacques Cartier, its political capital is Ottawa, and its surface is about 10 millions kilometers square (KM2) where thirty
two (32) millions inhabitants live.

19)- The flag of Canada?
The flag of canada is on red and white with drauwing of maple’s leaf.

20)- The flag of Quebec?
The flag of Quebec is on blue and white with drauwing of lily flower.

21)- What’s the main reasons that make you motivated to immigrate in Quebec?
Well, I want change and success in a developed society as quebec. Quebec is francophone, so my adaptation will be easy, and Quebecers has opened its doors to all
people for immigration, no matter their origins, their cultures or their color and religions…

22)- Describe a day of your work?
(répondez selon votre cas)

23)- Describe your home?

24)- Describe your room?

25)- What is the distance between Tunisia and Algeria?
It’s about one thousand (1000) km

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